ASL / druk 1


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ISBN: 9789077212844
Uitgever: Van Haren Publishing
Vervanger van: 9789077212035

A MANAGEMENT GUIDEASLApplication Services LibraryASL, the Application Services Library, is a framework for the work processes of an application management organizationThe importance of adopting a professional and mature standard approach to the implementation of application management is widely recognized in the marketplace. This is also the reason for the publication of this Management Guide.ASL is the only public domain application management standard in the world. The framework has been available for several years, and describes all of the relevant processes that play a role in application management and maintenance.ASL benefits an organization by providing:better control over the costs of application management;a guaranteed method of maintaining and transferring professional skills;a prolonged applications life cycle;a mutual glossary and definitions for application management;continuity, reliability and efficiency within the organization, where business processes are increasingly related to each other.This Management Guide addresses business and IT managers, as well as consultants. It explains exactly what ASL is and how it can help your organization.