Love Like Pink Blossom / Druk 2


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ISBN: 9789465017242
Uitgever: Brave New Books
Verschijningsvorm: Hardcover
Auteur: Rui Xin
Druk: 2
Pagina's: 202
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2024
NUR: Fantasy

A Hero’s journey of sacrifice, revenge, and true love.

Xiao was born into a life of very little in the way of good fortune. Growing up poverty stricken and carrying the grief of his father’s death, Xiao resolved to create a better future for himself. The magic of old and ancient martial arts that are sacred and passed down through rare Masters would give him everything he could hope for. Years of training with his master grants Xiao enough knowledge and wealth to build a kingdom and overthrow the corrupt order of old.

But power comes with enemies. Qi, King of Xiao’s rival lands is responsible for Xiao’s father’s death. He is also betrothed to the woman Xiao has come to love. With love and revenge at stake, the war of kings begins.