If flowers could speak

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
ISBN: 9789402197297
Uitgever: Brave New Books
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Angga Nita
Druk: 1
Pagina's: 87
Taal: Engels
NUR: Poëzie

If you have been searching for a book that offers you more than just a throwaway, mundane read, then If Flowers Could Speak is something that could provide you with what you’ve been looking for. This book of beautiful poetry is based around the life of the author, but could apply to any one of us, our own experiences and how we deal with them.

The book examines many different emotions and aspects of life, from the pain of sorrow and grief, through to the joy and hope of healing and self-love.

More of a journey than simply a book of well-constructed verse, If Flowers Could Speak is the perfect book to pick up when you need a moment of inspiration or to lighten a darker moment.

If you are looking for something that offers meaningful encouragement, peace of mind or just an affirmation that your life isn’t so bad after all, If Flowers Could Speak provides exactly that for you.