Ivan, Boris and Me

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
ISBN: 9789083370118
Uitgever: Fidessa Literary B.V.
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Suze Leonie
Druk: 1
Pagina's: 233
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2024
NUR: Literaire fictie algemeen

Illustrator Elodie Ginsburg and her spendthrift best friend, Boris, are inseparable. Taking care of an audacious yellow-haired clown in a red-and-white-striped onesie and oversized black shoes can be a challenge. However, Boris means the world to Elodie. He is a handful, but he’s her handful. Their symbiosis is disrupted when Ivan Lennard, a former professional cyclist with a closely guarded secret, moves into the house next door and becomes a regular occurrence in their lives. Each encounter is a catalyst for Boris to spiral more out of control and increase his outrageous demands, until Elodie finds herself at a crossroads and has to make the most difficult decision she’s ever made.