Industrial Production / 6th Edition

The manufacture of mechanical products

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
ISBN: 9789024427390
Uitgever: Boom
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Huub Kals
Druk: 6
Relevante opleidingen: Automotive Industrial Engineering and Management Mechanical Engineering
Pagina's: 520
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2019
Voorgeschreven bij o.a.: HAN University of Applied Sciences Fontys Hogescholen
Vervanger van: 9789024407309
NUR: Technische en nautische vakken HOGER ONDERWIJS

Industrial Production offers a broad and thorough introduction to the multidisciplinary field of production engineering, with a focus on the production of mechanical products. The book covers design and machining processes, as well as topics such as materials behaviour, manufacturing, assembly and manufacturing machines. It also looks at quality, costs, important aspects of product and production development (including design for production) as well as technical and organisational management.

This sixth edition has been fully revised, updated and given a new design and layout. There is a greater focus on polymers and non-mechanical manufacturing and a whole new chapter on additive manufacturing, which covers topics such as 3D printing. Furthermore, students and teachers can access additional study materials on the book’s website (, such as additional exercises and video clips.

Industrial Production has long been a standard study book for students of mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, industrial design, industrial engineering and management, and other related studies in higher education.

Industrial Production was compiled by an editorial committee consisting of the authors prof. dr. ir. H.J.J. Kals, ir. Cs. Buiting-Csikós, prof. dr. ir. W. Dewulf, prof. dr. ir. B. Lauwers, ir. J.M. Ponsen, ir. A.H. Streppel and dr. ir. T.H.J. Vaneker.