Organic Chemistry

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Organic Chemistry

ISBN: 9781292024363
Uitgever: Pearson
Auteur: Paula Bruice
Druk: 7
Pagina's: 1344
Vervanger van: 9780321697684

Were you looking for the book with access to MasteringOrganicChemistry? This product is the book alone, and does NOT come with access to MasteringOrganicChemistry. Buy the book and access card package to save money on this resource. All of Paula Bruice's extensive revisions to the Seventh Edition of Organic Chemistry follow a central guiding principle: support what modern students need in order to understand and retain what they learn in organic chemistry for successful futures in industry, research, and medicine.

In consideration of today's classroom dynamics and the changes coming to the 2015 MCAT, this revision offers a completely new design with enhanced art throughout, reorganization of materials to reinforce fundamental skills and facilitate more efficient studying.