Multilevel Analysis / 3rd edition

Techniques and Applications

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
ISBN: 9781138121362
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Verschijningsvorm: Paperback
Auteur: Joop Hox Mirjam Moerbeek Rens van de Schoot
Druk: 3
Pagina's: 408
Verschijningsjaar: 2017

Applauded for its clarity, this accessible introduction helps readers apply multilevel techniques to their research. The book also includes advanced extensions, making it useful as both an introduction for students and as a reference for researchers. Basic models and examples are discussed in nontechnical terms with an emphasis on understanding the methodological and statistical issues involved in using these models.

The estimation and interpretation of multilevel models is demonstrated using realistic examples from various disciplines including psychology, education, public health, and sociology. Readers are introduced to a general framework on multilevel modeling which covers both observed and latent variables in the same model, while most other books focus on observed variables. In addition, Bayesian estimation is introduced and applied using accessible software.