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ISBN: 1230004294832
Uitgever: Alex Nordeen
Verschijningsvorm: E-book
Auteur: Alex Nordeen
Druk: 1
Taal: Engels
Verschijningsjaar: 2018

JavaScript is very fast, simple and integrate easily with other languages. It allows you to create highly responsive interfaces. This e-book is a gentler introduction to JavaScript. The real issues in learning JavaScript is either not understanding the basic concept clearly or overwhelmed by too much detailed learning resources.

To encounter these issues, this e-book is created. It is a small book but the content is well balanced and focuses only on core JavaScript Programming area. The benefit of this book is extended to all groups from beginners to expert levels. If you are a visual learner, this book can be a great aid. Each and every component of JavaScript like loops, variables, built-in data structures and functions are made interactive with images and examples. The code for each function can be executed step-wise, and the output can be checked in real time.

The book also shed some lights on OOPs concept to get a good grip over the language. Framework like AngularJS, Backbone, Bootstrap, etc. comes handy after referring to this book. You will be able to build a simple web app by the end of this book. Not every book has both minimum price range and maximum quality content.